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Isn't it time we take back agency over our bodies and the ability to find balance in wellness with a holistic approach? Are your current protocols not working for you? My goal with you is to take a deep look at the following and support you into balance:


  • Diet

  • Food sensitivities

  • Detox (potential viral, bacterial, fungal, mold, parasite, heavy metal, chemical, etc.)

  • Deficiency

  • Gut & liver stress

  • Mind & emotion balancing

  • Natural hormone support

  • Kreb cycle

  • Methylation


I am a certified Holistic Health Practitioner and work with

bio-resonance screening, which is a non-invasive measuring method providing responses from the body to determine conditions of stress and to isolate specific stresses in the organism in order to understand and influence with greater clarity the support needed.


Disclaimer: Beyond Buddhi Holistic Health's primary intention is to assist with natural health information and guidance.  Each individual is responsible to research and choose the way they desire to live.  We do not diagnose, prescribe or treat any illness.


*If you are ready to dive in, please schedule your consultation and then take a moment to fill out the Intake Form.



I have been on a healing journey all of my life. I was sick as a child and have never truly known health until just recently. I found out in 2016 that this lifetime of illness was Lyme Disease. Right as it was close to killing me. I worked hard at fighting this disease for 6 years. I researched every single thing I could to figure out how to fight it. It took a lot of work and I finally started feeling like I was going to win, but I just couldn't get over the last hill. Everything I tried only got me to the same point. I decided then to try homeopathy. I wish I'd started years ago. It immediately started working to get me over the hill. I have never felt so good in my entire life and I know without a doubt that I wouldn't be to this point without my homeopathic remedies. I'm not just in remission or having a good month, I'm just done having that disease. It's gone. I recommend this place 100%. I have a new life ahead of me that I didn't think would ever even exist and I am beyond grateful.

- Lindsay Phillips




Diet and

lifestyle shifts

Detoxing for






Gut & liver


When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot become manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless and intelligence cannot be applied.

Let's connect


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Buddhi - Derived from the Sanskrit root word Budh, which means "to wake, be awake, observe, heed, attend, learn, become aware of, to know, be conscious again."

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Disclaimer: Beyond Buddhi Holistic Health's primary intention is to assist with natural health information and guidance.  Each individual is responsible to research and choose the way they desire to live.  I do not diagnose, prescribe or treat any illness.



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